We are excited to share the news about the final decision of the projects that are definitely going to be featured in the DECODE 2024 Spring Exhibition.

There have been 47 submissions altogether: 20 in the Category of Architecture and 27 in the Category of Visual and Applied Arts. The most outstanding works out of these have been selected by a professional jury. The two winners of the Main Prize totaling a sum of 2.100.000 HUF, the Promising Project Prize and the Spotlight Supporting Extra Prize will be announced at the Award Ceremony.

The spring-fresh, vibrant event is taking place in the exhibition space of aqb Project Space (48-50 Nagytétényi út, Budapest, H-1222) on 18 April at 6p.m. and is followed by a Galactic Jackson after party. The event is open for the public but guests are requested to register HERE.

Shortlisted projects in the Category of Architecture:

Lenke udvar – Brjeska Laura Regina, Polyák Júlia, Prőhle Borbála Piroska
Homoklak – Ignácz Réka, Buday Bendegúz
Alakbánya – Lizer Dorottya, Szakonyi Luca Zsófia
Mű=hely – Hajós Dorina
Rakodó Újratöltve – Klenóczky Dániel Péter
Komplemen-tér – Lantos Balázs
A Ritual Tour on Merapi Volcano – Petrányi Luca
Kompánia – Ruszinkó Dominika

Shortlisted projects in the Category of Visual and Applied Arts:

Stolen Fire – Birkás Mona
Danse Macabre – Kaldenecker Zsófia, Szerdahelyi Dalma
Melegsugarak – Sztefanu Marina, Fülöp Gergő
Hagyjad már magad békén élni – Törtei Lilla, Deak Malvin
Eltemetett tér – Hoff Bence
Verstér – Juhász Judit
Beleélés – Martincsák Anna
Emlék Szalámi – Minlinszki Boglárka
Homo Cubus – Tóth Laura Lala