With the deadline of registrations and submissions the first phase of Decode Prize 2020 has been officialy closed. This is the third time that the annual competition is organised, now by DECODE Contemporary Architectural and Art Foundation. This year there were 77 registered applicants which is the highest in number so far. We are particularly happy to see more and more team projects entering the competition. Thank you for the submissions and good luck to you all!

The submitted projects will be judged and assessed by a professional jury.

Members of the professional jury are:

  • Péter Bordás, Founder of BORD Architectural Studio, Head of Jury
  • Levente Szabó DLA, Ybl- and Pro Architectura Prize awarded architect, Head of Department at Technical University of Budapest, Faculty of Architecture
  • Anthony Gall Phd, Ybl- and Pro Architectura Prize awarded architect, professor and appointed Dean at Faculty of Architecture, SZIU Ybl Institution of Architectural Engineering
  • János Golda Ybl- Prima and Pro Architectura Prize awarded architect
  • Borbála Kálmán Art Historian, Curator of Ludwig Museum – Contemporary Museum of Arts
  • Etentuk Inemesit cultural manager, founder of Artlocator application and Artlocator Magazine
  • Krisztián Kukla, Art Director of Art Quarter

At the end of the assessment period the awarded projects of both categories will be chosen.  The official awarding ceremony and the opening of DECODE – The Space for ARTHITECTURE exhibition will be on 11.11 in Faur Zsófi Gallery in Budapest.

Due to the current COVID situation the Foundation will limit the number of participants of the opening ceremony. Medical and safety restrictions are a priority. The event will be streamed live and the exhibition will be available for visitors online.

For the latest information please follow DECODE on Facebook and Instagram .

We would like to thank the following firms for the annual competition’s support:

  • Founder: BORD Architectural Studio
  • Chief Supporters: PERI Magyarország, BE LIGHT Kft.
  • Media Partner: OCTOGON Magazine
  • Further Supporters: Alukönigstahl Kft., Magyar Építő Zrt., Szinorg Universal Zrt.