On 13th November the opening ceremony of the DECODE Exhibition and the DECODE Award Ceremony took place. This was the second time our studio organised the DECODE competition, this year we received almost 70 entries.
Our studio organized a competition for young creatives aged 18-35 from the fields of architecture, visual arts and applied arts. The task was to introduce an original project that is built on a concept with a background story.
DECODE – The Space for ARTHITECTURE initiative aims to draw attention to the significance of thought-based creation. There is a genuine concept behind each groundbreaking artifact, sculpture or building that make an impact. This concept can be a feeling or a story that acts like a guideline throughout the creative process. The title – DECODE basically refers to the importance of being able to decipher and admire the worthvile ideas and stories that are incorporated in the objects around us.

Out of the total number of entries 28 arrived in the category of architecture and 39 in the category of arts. The entries were judged by a jury of prestigious professionals:
- Peter Bordas, Architect, Founder of the Competition and Head of Jury
- Levente Szabo DLA, Ybl Prize and Pro Architectura Prize Architect, Professor at the Faculty of Architecture at Budapest University of Technology and Economics
- Anthony Gall Phd, Ybl Prize and Pro Architectura Prize Architect, Professor and acting dean at Szent Istvan University’s Ybl Institute of Architectural Engineering
- Janos Golda, Ybl, Pro Architectura and Prima Prize Architect; Borbala Kalman, Art Historian, Curator of Ludwig Museum
- Etentuk Inemesit, Cultural Manager, Founder of Artlocator Application and Magazine
- Krisztian Kukla Phd, Art Director of Leopold Bloom Foundation.
The jury decided on one first prize and 2 ‘promising project’ prizes per category. The total sum of the competition prizes in both categories therefore was 800.000 HUF net. We congratulate all winners and participants and thank them for their submissions.
Winning projects of DECODE Competition in the category of Architecture:
- SOMLÓI VÁR (SOMLÓ CASTLE) – Main Prize Winning Project
Creator: Ferenc Molnár Dávid - A FÉNNYEL ÍRT HÁZ (THE HOUSE DRAWN BY LIGHT) – ‘Promising Project’ Prize Winning Project
Creators: Niki Dendel and Niki Bözse Hosszu - MITIŐK (WEYOUTHEY) – ‘Promising Project’ Prize Winning Project
Creator: Lilla Gyüre
Winning projects of DECODE Competition in the category of Visual and Applied Arts :
- IESIRE (EXIT)– Main Prize Winning Project
Creator: Ági Horváth - 180519 39 A 7 -– ‘Promising Project’ Prize Winning Project
Creators: Csilla Horváth, Co creator: Attila Jeremiás Király - IN DIES AUCTIOR – ‘Promising Project’ Prize Winning Project
Creator: Kitti Gosztola
The jury selected a shortlist of 16 out of the 67 entries to be exhibited as part of the DECODE Exhibition in Faur Zsofi Gallery, Budapest. This year, alongside the selected competitiors we also invited two young architectural studios: BIVAK and CAN Architects as exhibitors. The organisor and founder BORD Architectural Studio also put two of their projects on display: the building of the International School of Debrecen (ISD) and the building of the Debrecen Spa (AquaPack).
The exhibition closed its doors on November 20 and even though it is over, the videos featured at the show can be seen on the YouTube channel of DECODE. Additional good news is that from next year on the DECODE Contemporary Architectural and Art Foundation is going to support the competition to help an even wider range of talented young architects and artist.